NPDES MS4 Database

Since 1991, ETM has assisted the City of Jacksonville and its NPDES Co-Permittee, FDOT District 2, in meeting their Stormwater Management operations and NPDES permit compliance requirements. ETM has worked closely with the City and FDOT to perform water quality sampling, outfall monitoring, and development of a Stormwater Management Plan as part of the NPDES permit application. 

ETM conducted a field inventory and developed a GIS based inventory of the City’s MS4. ETM continues to update the MS4 inventory using Esri’s ArcGIS software. Today, the inventory contains over 200,000 MS4 infrastructure components that represent over 1,700 miles of closed conveyance, over 1,200 miles of open conveyance, over 70,000 inlets, and control structures in over 500 stormwater treatment ponds across a 750 square mile MS4 service area.

In 2020, ETM partnered with Cartegraph and replaced the legacy platform used to manage the NPDES permits and asset inventory, with Cartegraph’s Operations Management Software. City and FDOT District 2 staff have access to Cartegraph and use the technology to complete inspections, create work, and capture pictures, and can extract information via custom and predefined reports or export to Microsoft Excel.

ETM’s past work, including the NPDES GIS database, has also been leveraged to develop and release to staff a web based inspection tool to support stormwater utility operations as well as water quality improvement and enforcement inspections. 

  • MS4 Structural Control Inspections and follow-up routine maintenance and cleaning 
  • Proactive and Reactive Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Investigations 
  • Private Lift Station Inspections 
  • High Priority Industry and MSGP permit holder site Inspections 
  • Illegal Dumping Investigation & Removal 
  • Public Outreach & Education activity and event tracking

City of Jacksonville

Jacksonville, Florida

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