In the News | Daily’s gas station in LaVilla advances as developer submits civil plans

Article by:  Emma Behrmann | Jacksonville Business Journal | Click here to read the full article.

A rendering of a proposed Daily's on West Bay Street in Lavilla
A rendering of a proposed Daily's on West Bay Street in Lavilla.

A contested Daily’s gas station and convenience store in LaVilla appears to be moving ahead as the developer submitted civil plans to the city.

First Coast Energy LLP proposed its gas station and convenience store that included Bold City Brewery leasing the restaurant space and rooftop bar in 2023, receiving final approval in August 2023 after months of discussion and postponement. England-Thims & Miller prepared civil engineering plans for the project, which were submitted to the city Wednesday afternoon.

The plans show a 20,554-square-foot convenience store on the southeast corner of the property, which is bordered by Forsyth, Bay, Broad and Jefferson streets. It also includes fuel pumps, 39 parking spaces and electric vehicle charging stations.

The Downtown Development Review Board voted in August 2023 to grant final approval for a two-story Daily’s that included a Bold City Brewery and restaurant.

Click here to read the full article.

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