National Mentoring Month | UF Student Intern Discusses His Experience with the ETM Accelerator Program 

Zayne Moore

Our firm is proud of the many ways we strive to mentor students and young professionals. One way we offer mentorship is through our ETM Accelerator Program at the University of Florida. Just recently, we met with one of our current student interns, Zayne Moore (pictured left), to discuss the program and his experience.

How did you find out about the ETM Accelerator Program? 

I found out about the ETM Accelerator Program when I attended the annual Florida Engineering Society Conference. I met Robert Mizell, Chief Administrative Officer, at the university reception networking event for past and current UF students.  

How long have you been a part of the ETM Accelerator Program? 

I have been an intern at ETM since August 2019!  

What part of the Accelerator Program do you feel has been the most beneficial? 

The ETM Accelerator Program assigns every intern with a Professional Engineer and a team to lay the groundwork of basic concepts and will give you actual projects to work on to understand real-world applications. The program is flexible to work around students’ schedules and goes hand-in-hand with the information you are learning in your studies.  

What are some things you are hoping to get out of the ETM Accelerator Program? 

Coming into the intern role, my goal was to expand my knowledge of engineering and the fundamentals behind the material that I was learning in my classes. I know now that this program has taught me so much more and helped develop my professionalism. 

What would you tell others who are interested in interning with the Accelerator Program? 

The ETM Accelerator is a one-of-a-kind program, and I would encourage every student to participate.  It has solidified my choice in pursuing a degree in Civil Engineering and gave me the motivation to continue to work hard in my studies. You’ll find that the people you meet at ETM have so much depth to their personalities and want to get to know you for who you are. As an intern, they will cheer you on when you succeed and help you work out problems as a team. The experiences, knowledge, and connections I have made due to the ETM Accelerator program have catalyzed the start of my professional career.  

About the ETM Accelerator Program 

The ETM Accelerator program accelerates the education and career of students by immersing them in the day-to-day tasks and routines of a real civil engineering, planning, geospatial technologies, and surveying firm. Students gain hands-on experience while working directly with industry professionals on real-world projects. 

While the Accelerator program is specific to the University of Florida, we are currently working with universities throughout Florida on co-op internships, summer internships, and part time employment both in office and remote. 

How to Get Involved with ETM’s Internship Program

If you are currently attending the University of Florida and interested in applying for ETM’s Internship Program Program, please email  

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