City of Jacksonville Septic Tank Phase Out

ETM provided professional engineering services for the Jacksonville Stormwater Utility Septic Tank Phase Out Program, a component of the City’s efforts to meet the Lower St. Johns River Main Stem Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL).

Our team also supported the City through review of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Septic Tank Model in conjunction with other consultants, developed program evaluation criteria for potential parcel vetting and program inclusion, coordinated with JEA Grid Engineering staff for parcel specific Lateral Only Connection (LOC) implementation, and monitored progress via bi-weekly progress meeting and a Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-based program management tool.

Additionally, we assist the City with the development of other nutrient reduction opportunities. Our team also utilized GIS and Septic Tank Phase Out Prioritization Factors to evaluate, prioritize, and develop potential project areas towards meeting the FDEP 2023 TMDL goal.

City of Jacksonville

Jacksonville, Florida

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