Jacksonville Beach Pier Replacement

In 2016 Northeast Florida was hit by Hurricane Matthew, a Category Two storm that caused water to breach seawalls along the coast, widespread power outages, felled trees, and flooded roads. Much of St. Augustine was underwater, and Jacksonville Beach experienced terrible flooding. The storm destroyed nearly half of the 1,300′ Jacksonville Beach Fishing Pier.

ETM is currently providing CEI services for the nearly $10 Million Pier Replacement project. Construction began in November 2019 and was completed in the summer of 2022.

While the reconstruction of the damaged and destroyed portions of the Jacksonville Beach Pier will occur within the alignment of the previous structure, it was built taller and stronger with an upgraded substructure. The new elevation is 8′ higher with larger 24” piling. Other work included demolition of the damaged pier, removal of debris from the ocean floor, installing wood deck panels, lighting, plumbing, and fire protection. Altogether, the pier, the most recognized landmark in Jacksonville Beach, was greatly improved for residents and more resistant to future storms.

City of Jacksonville

Jacksonville Beach, Florida

Project Gallery

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