City of Jacksonville Ash Remediation

In the early twentieth century through the 1960s, the City of Jacksonville burned its solid waste in incinerators. The ash byproduct was mixed with soil and given away to area residents and used as fill material as well as disposed at several dump sites. In the mid-1990s, it was determined that the ash contaminated soil was deposited within four sites, totaling over 1,000 acres and approximately 3,200 residential, commercial, and industrial parcels.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) discovered moderate levels of lead, arsenic, dioxin, and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons contamination in the soil where the ash was deposited. In response, the City voluntarily entered an Administration Order on Consent with the US Environmental Protection Agency to determine the extent of the contamination and make the appropriate steps to remediate the areas.

In 2007, the City selected ETM to serve as Program Director for the remediation and we became responsible for the oversight and implementation of the remediation of all sites. Services include:

  • Program Management
  • Value Engineering
  • Public Outreach Support
  • Remedial Design Work Plan & Report
  • Preliminary Remediation Design Drawings
  • Remedial Action Work Plans
  • Bid Plans and Specifications
  • Remediation Observation and Construction Administration

As a first step, ETM prepared and submitted a Preliminary Remedial Design Report, including Preliminary Design Drawings for each of the affected parcels within the four sites, to EPA and FDEP for review and approval.

The report and the accompanying designs were based on sampling data from each site and parcel. The samples enabled ETM to prepare design drawings for remediating only the area(s) within each parcel that had ash contamination to the 2-foot depth required by the Record of Decision. 

In 2008 and 2009, the City requested that EPA approve a “fast track” for two schools and several development projects planned within the sites. These included both public and private projects.

For each of the projects listed below, ash contaminated soil was removed to a depth of two feet within the impacted pervious area across the site. The ash contaminated soil was then stockpiled to undergo TCLP sampling and analysis before it was properly manifested for transport to the Trail Ridge Landfill for re-use as initial cover on the landfill.

ETM was the program director for each of these projects and provided engineering and construction services for the remediation. Services Included:

  • Program Management
  • Work Plan Preparation
  • Project Management
  • Design Specifications
  • Remediation Design
  • Bidding Assistance
  • Construction Engineering and Inspection 

Darnell-Cookman Middle School for the Duval County School Board – Remediated Soil: 14,784 Cubic Yards (20,698 tons)

John E. Ford Elementary School for the Duval County School Board – Remediated Soil: 10,488 cubic yards (14,684 tons)

Animal Care & Control for the City of Jacksonville – Remediated Soil: 14,210 cubic yards (19,896 tons)

St. Stephen Ash Remediation for the City of Jacksonville – Remediated Soil: 3,435 cubic yards (4,809 tons)

Department of Veterans Administration Medical Clinic for the United States Department of Veteran Affairs – The VA planned to build a new 135,000 square-foot clinic to accommodate an expansion to their offered services. The project site was located within one of the Ash Sites and was slated for remediation. ETM, in concert with the architect, developed the site plan for the project to provide remediation that would work in conjunction with the development. ETM also coordinated with the City of Jacksonville to provide off-site stormwater management to allow the project to advance without on-site stormwater ponds. Additional Services includes site planning, civil/site design, landscape architecture, and regulatory permitting.


  • BROWNS DUMP for CH2M Hill – Remediated Soil: 134,886 Tons – Parcels Remediated: 211
  • 5TH/Cleveland for the City of Jacksonville – Remediated Soil: 155,669 Tons – Parcels Remediated: 391
  • Forest Street for the City of Jacksonville – Remediated Soil: 111,883 Tons – Parcels Remediated: 386
  • 5th & Cleveland and Forest Street OU2 Sites for the City of Jacksonville – Remediated Soil: 52,750 Tons – Parcels Remediated: 283
  • Lonnie Miller for the City of Jacksonville – Remediated Soil: 31,376 Tons – Parcels Remediated: 63
  • Hollybrook Apartment Property for the City of Jacksonville – Remediated Soil: 25,233 tons (16,822 cubic yards)

City of Jacksonville

Jacksonville, Florida

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